Thursday, February 09, 2006

Now all that's left is just to say goodnight...

It's really cold, but maybe I'm just sick. I have a vise in my head and a pit in my chest. Resulting in a headache and a nasty cough. And I'm too stubborn to take drugs.
The boys left this morning for Superhoops. I'm jealous. Besides that I like basketball, I have to work all weekend because Chad and David are gone. Boys are stupid. And on that note, I (hopefully) get my resolution on Sunday morning. If all works out. I really hope it does. So that's a good thing.
Cody and Casey left for Nicaragua this morning. So that's an exciting experience. We talked about it at youth last night and it made me really excited for Philly.
In other news, it's almost break, which is good, because I can catch up on my sleep, which is good, because then hopefully I won't be sick. We get our new basketball jerseys by divisions, if all goes well. Speaking of, divisions are February 21st and 22nd, so come cheer us on against Delisle on the 22nd.
When is the Phantom of the Op'ry cast party?
And finally, a random fact about me. I tend to narrate things in my head. It's true. It's probably why I'm such a good word weaver (even though that sounds chotchy). I narrate almost everything in my head, how people say things, what they will say next, what their actions are, etc. There you go. Now you know my secret. Except it wasn't. I'll leave now.

...but I like breathing...


Anonymous said...

this is in regards to your last post. you are not the only one who thinks anymore, how do you think anything gets done?i will summon the soul reaver and harvest your soul.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. thats definetly getting old now bud.

I'll admit it was funny when you first started it, but now.. nope.

Anonymous said...

i gotta say it really wasn't funny in the first place; more like immature.

Anonymous said...

yo anonymous, dont call me out, unless you have the onions to use your actual name, and then i will use mine.

Teri said...

I suggest everyone uses their actual name. Notice how the normal people do.

Anonymous said...

you're not normal