Tuesday, August 07, 2012


It's nights like this that seem so dark
It's days I wonder where you are
It's the miles, the years, the hurts, and the fears
The groping around until I've been found
I'll talk to you until I can sleep
If you promise me my secrets you'll keep
You know the voices don't leave me many choices
Quiet them down, don't make a sound
You wait to give in, then you forget
It goes out again and I'm losing this bet
I know all the answers but I want to try
And in choosing each way, I know I will die
But in each end there's beginning, in some death there is life
The question remains, which will I choose, and will it cause strife?

Wednesday, August 01, 2012


Tell me again you love me
And again I'm out not listening
You say it often, you say it slow
Until there's nowhere else to go
And I come back in, listening
You say it once, and once more again
But I'll still go out not listening
To dance with those friends
Until this all ends
And I have no choice but to come listening
So beyond it all you still love me
Even when I go out not listening
And you have held me in your arms
Safe from the fears and from the harms
And I will come back and start listening