Monday, September 12, 2005

Feels Like Rain

So I got back from Heritage yesterday and it was... sweet but at the same time sour. I'd love to say I learned a lot but I'm not sure if I did. I'm still sorting out my thoughts. Some things I understand and some I don't. People confuse me, but at the same time I fall in love with them. Fire licks around the edges, there's nothing left to say. I'm not happy with my life but I'm not disappointed in it. I want to walk away and run into your arms. We made a fire and watched it burn. Sparks flew between us but they burned holes in my soul. Wreathed in smoke I'm the color of ash. Vibrant. I no longer know what to think, there's nothing left to be. I miss you and I'm glad you're gone. Sitting here in sackcloth watching you slowly fade into smoke. What can hospitals do? Nothing left. Maybe something right. I would dance to the music in my head, there's nothing left to feel. Drowning in the lake I breathed for the first time in the red pool. I saw beauty but it was a shadow. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm in love with you. And there's no longer any way to pull me out of this sinking sand. Underneath in Thomas' world I met Justin and I laughed.

Quote of the day: Yankee!! Y is for Yankee!! -Brennan


steph said...

i dont get it. you like thomas? or justin? or neither. if neither than who

Anonymous said...

Teri, I love your writing. You've got talent, kid.

Teri said...

think black red and white

thanks, Jess

steph said...

right. I forgot the other guy was justin. so i was confused. I actually thought of that but i didnt think there was a justin

yah you have superb talent. i loved it