Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Window seats and twisted climbs

Sidenote: my hair smells really good right now.

Something odd happened today. I felt a weird craving. Okay, you say, so what? Well I craved the company of 2 boys. Very different boys, at very odd times. This post shall be, lets say, different. Of sorts. I shall explain.
1. Setting: Teri is running a cross country race, (something she swore she'd never do again, last year, and was still idiotic enough to decide to 10 minutes before we left this year), and is climbing a particularly brutal hill. All of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever, she desperately wants guy #1 to be there with her, offering her his hand and helping her up the hill, and holding hands with her while she finishes the race. Guy #1 is James. James Woodhouse? you ask, wrinkling your nose. No. James Hack. I have no idea why. If you can, please enlighten me.
2. Setting: Teri has come home from youth, eaten nightlunch, and is showering before she goes to bed, for she is a grub. As she is drying herself off after her shower, she sees in her mind herself meeting guy #2 at a hockey rink and running to hug him. Totally randomly. Now she desperately wants to talk to and spend time with this person. Guy #2 is Ryan. Ryan Goetz? you ask, but you just saw him an hour ago. No. Ryan Schmidt. Man, I miss that kid. Weird, eh?

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