Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This week we had some teaching on evangelism. The idea of going out and telling people about Jesus makes me uncomfortable. Honestly. Going up to people and asking them if they know Jesus is weird. But today I thought of why. Going out with the purpose of telling people about Jesus, and having no other reason for going to a certain place, still makes me uncomfortable. I shy away from knocking on doors, it makes me feel like a Jehovah's Witness. But talking about Jesus in day to day life doesn't. If I have a different reason for talking to someone, like I need to make a bank account or we are going for coffee or we are mucking stalls together, then Jesus will probably come up. And this sort of talking about Jesus doesn't make me uncomfortable. See the difference? Now, I don't know the theology behind either of these options, but I realized today that one freaks me out like no one's business and the other gets me excited. The reason behind my existance is God, and He spills out into conversation. It happens. But going to the mall to tell people about Jesus throws me off a bit. Not that it is bad. But going to the mall and then telling people about Jesus seems normal. Does anyone else feel this way?

Some general information: Our flights to Mexico happen on November 5. I get to get up at 4 in the morning, drive to Bellinghame, and from there take a shuttle to Seattle airport, in order to make an 11:30 flight to Houston. From Houston we fly to Guadalajara. It will be great.

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