Monday, October 04, 2010

For in death there is life

It's frustrating sometimes that no matter what I do, there is still more. As much as I'd like to be, I am not perfect, which means I have to keep striving towards it, which is a continual battle. Becoming Christ-like is not an easy process, nor a finite one. We have talked a fair amount recently about personal holiness and spiritual warfare. They are actually quite connected. Yesterday in church a lady spoke about how Christianity means taking risks. And it is a struggle. There will be opposition. As soon as you decide to follow Christ, you will be opposed. (But, if you're being opposed, you are probably doing something right. If the devil is ignoring you, you are no longer a threat, and then you're in trouble.) Following God means risking everything. She spoke from Exodus 5. The cool part is, risking everything, even losing it, is more than worth it if it is for the kingdom of God.
We also talked about suffering on Friday, and how it is necessary, for 23 reasons.
1) God wants us to suffer
2) To make us more like Jesus
3) So that we can comfort others
4) So that we won't rely on and trust in ourselves
5) So that we may give praise to God in everything
6) So that our endurance may be developed
7) So that more fruit may be produced in and through us
8) So the reality of our faith may be proved
9) So that our faith would mature
10) So that we may learn obedience
11) So that I would be humbled
12) So that the sufficiency of God's grace would be clearly demonstrated
13) So that I would be purified
14) So that glory would be given to God
15) So that I would be driven to the Word of God
16) So that I would grow spiritually
17) So that God can display us as His
18) So that our lives can be a testimony to angels and demons
19) So that we will be driven to God
20) So that God can mark us as His own
21) So that my thoughts are on Heaven
22) So that I will be prepared for Heaven
23) So that God will draw me back to Himself
Because of these reasons, and being challenged on risk-taking obedience, I generally define suffering in my head as "the losing of something". As Christians, we are losing something, and that could be our possessions, our money, our freedom, our rights, our family, our lives. But giving these up for the glory of God is worth it. Suffering, any way you define it, is worth it for Christ. I mean, if he owns your life anyway, why bother living safely? If we try to save our own lives, we are not going to be living at all, for living in fear of death is no life. I would rather choose to live, even if it means dying.

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