Friday, April 29, 2011


I would first like to say that I dislike "steps to salvation" and I don't know why these came out in steps. But it seemed the way it wanted to be done. We are talking lately about evangelism, discipleship, and things like that, and today during an exercise I came up with these 10 "steps for telling someone about God", focused in one girl I know. I doubt it would speak to many other people, but I thought it was interesting what came, and so here they are.
1) You are loved. You are beloved. And you will never, never be abandoned by this lover.
2) You were created with purpose, and that has not been forgotten.
3) It isn't promised that your problems will go away, but rather that with God's strength you will be able to deal with them. For in your weakness He is strong.
4) The difference between being dirty and clean is accepting the washing. And sometimes being scrubbed clean hurts like heck, but it is worth it. There is no other way to truly live.
5) You have to choose to follow without knowing where you are going, or how to get there. You have to trust.
6) It is hard. You will be mocked, tested, persecuted. Why pretend that it is easy? You have to die to yourself every single day. It is only in this dying that you are able to live.
7) You have been covered by the ultimate sacrifice- Jesus Christ. As repugnant as the image might be, it is true. It is his blood that makes you whole again.
8) It is easy to forget. Don't. Remind yourself every day that you have been made new, that you have surrendered yourself and now live for Christ.
9) Jesus Christ, a sinless man who was and is the Son of God, was killed but rose from the dead, and doing so conquered death. It is in his life that we have our hope and our example. And they may be able to kill and torture our bodies, but the cannot touch our faith and our spirit. For we belong to the One who has already won, and the Spirit of God is within us. It sounds crazy, but it changes everything.
10) It is not enough to know. You must also live. Start by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. And you will fail, and God will pick you up and still love you, and despite every time everything goes wrong, keep following and loving Him, because He will never let go of you. And that is a promise.

1 comment:

Yvonne Block said...

I think I know this one girl you know. And I get those 10 steps, although I think they're more like 10 truths.