Tomorrow (or actually today, because it is 2 am as I write this) we are going again to Oaxaca, but this time with a very different purpose in mind. There are 15 people driving down all day Sunday, and we are going to attend a church-planting conference, which is one week long. After that week, the real fun begins. The seven interns are staying in Oaxaca (which is a state of Mexico, by the way), and living in indigenous villages for the next three weeks. By ourselves. From what I understand so far, there will probably be a village for each of us, and so we will be truly separated from everything we know. Except God. The point is to learn about the culture of the Mixtec, which is the indigenous group that we will be living with. Learn their culture, learn their language, make friends, live with a family. I've done it once in this country already, although this is for a shorter time and the common language is my second one. I will not deny that I am nervous, though I am also excited. After our three weeks in the villages, we will spend one week in Mexico City with a young church there. Therefore, this is a 5-week excursion from the city I call home. Remember us in your prayers. But also rejoice, because God is going to teach us wonderful things. And don't be worried if I don't update very often in the coming month. I don't know if there will be electricity, I am fairly certain there will not be internet, and I am not bringing my computer.
And if you ever wondered, yes, I do clean up good:

Praying for you, Teri!
And YES, you do clean up very well! In case no one else has said it, you are beautiful (whether you're wearing a dress or not! ;-))
What a beautiful picture of you. Looking forward to hearing all of your adventures on debrief.
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