Thursday, December 30, 2010

What I've been learning lately

Hope- In Christ alone my hope is found. Without Jesus I have no hope. He that is in me is stronger than he that is in the world. Christ is the light of the nations. This light lives in me. I am to be a light to the nations. I am to be different. I am to bring hope. The nations need hope. People need hope. We live in a hopeless world. In Christ alone my hope is found. If we believe what we say we believe, we have to go. Because the world is starving. The world is dying. The world has no hope. It is stumbling in darkness, and we have light. And we are no followers of Jesus Christ if we don't share it. We have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. So go out, and for the sake of the lost, give them light, give them hope. It is Christ who lives in you. The one thing we so desperately need is a Savior.

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